“Protecting the Tarpon Legacy” – New Video from CFCW

Our friends at Captains for Clean Water have just released a new video paying tribute to the silver king—undoubtedly the most iconic inshore gamefish in Florida history. Tarpon have long lured anglers with their prehistoric strength, prowess, and beauty, and today they remain an irreplaceable part of Florida’s ecosystem and fishery.

Unfortunately, years of damaging outflow from Lake Okeechobee has taken a toll on Florida’s waterways and the damage done to the Everglades has put all fish species in peril. But the time for action has arrived, and Captains for Clean Water has led the charge in pushing lawmakers and state officials to implement a solution to this decades-long crisis, by redirecting the flow of water to its natural path and sending clean freshwater south through the Everglades.

SeaDek is a proud partner of Captains for Clean Water, and we encourage everyone to get behind this amazing organization to restore and protect the natural resource that we all hold so close to our hearts—Florida’s clean water.

[vimeo 238634248 w=640 h=360]

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